NAJ International is the oldest polish personnel consulting agency. The company provides recruitment services including executive search as well as outplacement, assessment centres, market mapping and individual assessment in Poland and in markets in Europe, Asia, Australia and the Americas.
Our role is to connect organisations with the most dynamic candidates/leaders – based on a common set of values and a shared vision for the future.
We are genuinely passionate about our client organisations. Our understanding of each client’s values and culture ensures we identify candidates from both traditional and unconventional sources, who can bring fresh thinking and make a real impact. It also enables us to represent our clients candidly and accurately, giving a realistic appraisal of the differentiators, opportunities and challenges that will attract the strongest individuals.
Naj International clients range from multinationals and major corporates to medium-sized firms, family owned companies and start-ups.
We are ethical and diligent, and candidates find us to be knowledgeable, engaging and helpful.
Our close communication with candidates also helps us to choose the right people from the start of each recruitment process as well as seamlessly managing their transition into your organisation.

Some of the organisations using the Culture toolkit to help drive their change